Links To Kinder Morgan Pipeline Investigation
The Kinder Morgan Pipeline Investigation Materials were last updated in 2018. The firm no longer plans to update the website materials due to time constraints and expense. Time permitting, the firm will continue to post updated information on the firm’s social media pages, including LinkedIn and Facebook.
All of Shawn's Kinder Morgan Investigation Materials including those on this website are subject to the Community Outreach Portal Statement and the Legal Disclaimer and Privacy Policy found on this website. By accessing this information from this website, the reader is acknowledging reading, understanding, and agreeing to the statements and language set forth in the Community Outreach Portal Statement and the Legal Disclaimer and Privacy Policy.
- The Kinder Morgan Pipeline: An Introduction
- Location of the Kinder Morgan Pipeline in Oregon
- Historical Overview of the Kinder Morgan Pipeline in Wilsonville, Oregon
- Bellingham, Washington Olympic Pipeline Disaster
- San Bruno, California Pipeline Disaster
- The Kinder Morgan Pipeline Investigation
- Who is Kinder Morgan?
- Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)
- Oregon Public Utilities Commission
- Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
- Oregon Office of Emergency Management
- Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue
- West Linn-Wilsonville School District
- The City of Wilsonville
- Clackamas and Washington Counties
- Citizen Awareness and Involvement in Pipeline Safety
- Communities Near the Pipeline
- Business Operations Near Pipeline
- Pipeline Watchdog Organizations